New Analytes Added to Alloway’s Accreditation Lists

To better serve our customers, Alloway is constantly working to expand our analytical capabilities and list of accredited parameters. Recently, Alloway expanded its Ohio Drinking Water Accreditation List to include Langlier Index. Alloway’s Kentucky Drinking Water Accreditation List also increased to include secondary potable water analytes of Color, Odor, Corrosivity (Langlier) and Foaming Agents (MBAS). In addition, Alloway’s New York NELAP Accreditation List now includes potable water analytes of Odor and MBAS, and non-potable water analytes of 6010C metals, 6020A metals, Free Cyanide by ASTM D7237-10, and Total Phenolics by EPA 420.4.

 All of these additions will help us better serve the growing needs of our customers. Contact us at for a quote today!