

Feature articles are written by Alloway's knowledgeable staff. Learn more about hot topics, receive in-depth answers to your frequently asked questions, and discover new Alloway products and services.

The Alloway Mansfield facility is in the process of moving to a new location at 1502 W. Fourth Street, Mansfield, Ohio 44906. This location is more convenient for our customers, with easy access to Route 30. Click here for a map and directions.


Understanding a bioassay report can be daunting. To assist our customers in getting the most out of their data, Alloway will be hosting a special 3 hour workshop designed to help you better understand and interpret your report. Terms like NOEC, LOEC, analysis of variance, normality of data, and statistical tests will be broken down by presenter John Hoffman, President of Alloway.

During this workshop, Alloway personal will be sharing some of their insight from over 70 years of…

Alloway’s Conservation Summit is our newest initiative that brings together business leaders, educators, and environmental managers for the opportunity to hear from industry experts regarding today’s hot topics. This ground breaking event is scheduled for April 30th, 2014 from 9 A.M. to 3 P.M. at the Allen County Sanitary Engineer's Training Facility at 3230 N. Cole Street, in Lima, Ohio.

Our all star line-up includes:

  • Joe Gearing, Storm Water Manager for the City…

Ohio EPA’s Division of Drinking and Ground Waters is launching a new program, using the slogan, “Save a Dime. Sample on Time!” The program aims to reduce total coliform and nitrate monitoring violations by public water systems. Beginning January 1st, 2014, any public water systems in violation of their monitoring requirements will face penalties of $150, or more, for each violation. Violations can occur when results are reported late in the EPA eDWR, and when public water systems do not…

In May 2013, the Ohio EPA released a Harmful Algal Bloom Response Strategy targeted at Public Water Systems (PWSs). This new publication shares several discoveries made between 2012 and 2013 that are relevant to PWSs for the detection and treatment of Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB) in Ohio.  

At the end of 2012, the Ohio EPA reported that cyanotoxins, toxins produced by the cyanobacteria found in HABs, were detected in the source waters for thirteen public water supplies, but there…

Alloway had over 260 attendees at their 4th Annual VIP Workshops. Alloway customers were provided complimentary admissions that allowed them to earn up to 6 contact hours. This year, Alloway introduced the use of OOVOO technology to bring live video feed of the laboratory and field to the classroom. Attendees had the opportunity to virtually visit an actual sampling site where Alloway staff demonstrated Low-Level Mercury and Bioassay sampling techniques. The workshops received rave reviews…

Alloway’s V.I.P. Workshops are back by popular demand and headed to a location near you. We really consider our customers to be “V.I.Ps”, and these workshops are all about you!

This year we will be unveiling the use of OOVOO technology to bring live video feed of the laboratory and field to the classroom. Instead of hearing about how metals are analyzed in drinking water, you will see for yourself how the analysis is performed.  While at an actual sampling site, Alloway staff…

As your ultimate laboratory resource, Alloway is committed to developing new opportunities for professional growth. We are constantly exploring new technologies to improve our training options. Our most recent discovery is the use of ooVoo in our training courses.

ooVoo is new software application that allows the user to video chat with up to 12 people, send files, and screen share. With this technology, users no longer have to travel long distances to be in the same room. They can…

The Fracking Process

A brief description of the fracking process is necessary to understand the rationale behind any strategy for sampling and analysis of drinking water from wells to determine if the water quality in the well is being affected by local fracking operations.  According to Wikipedia, hydraulic fracturing is “the widening of fractures in a rock layer caused by the high-pressure injection of chemicals with water.” It is this process that…

Interested in our newest workshop? Contact support@alloway.com to get a quote!

Sample collection in the right hands can ensure data quality. Part of being “your resource for defensible data” is to provide training on proper sampling techniques. Alloway has developed a new training program for industries that covers the basics of sampling. Alloway’s on-site training program is a unique opportunity for professional development that can benefit…